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紐西蘭Christchurch 大地震

發表於 24-2-2011 01:12:45 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
在9月4日上午4點36分在紐西蘭Christchurch發生了規模7.1及的大地震,誰然到目前為止紐西蘭AREC (Amateur Radio Emergency Communications)的志工雖做好準備尚未收到請求支援。

AREC at The Ready following big earthquake

So far AREC (Amateur Radio Emergency Communications) volunteers have not
been required in any major way to assist, following the earthquake that hit
Christchurch in New Zealand.

The magnitude 7.1 earthquake occurred at 4.36am local time Saturday 4
while most people were asleep in their homes. The result was extensive
damage in New Zealand?s second largest city, Christchurch, with only two
people seriously hurt and no one reported trapped or missing.

AREC Deputy Director, Geoff Chapman ZL3PX who lives in Christchurch, said
that while AREC was at the Civil Defence Headquarters, there has been no
requirement for it to pass any emergency traffic.

That is due to restoration of telephone and power to the majority of the
affected areas. While water and sewerage systems have been affected there
has been no reported major loss of roads or bridges.

However AREC is ready, as the situation could worsen with the weather bureau
issuing a warning of very strong winds with gusts up to 130km/h and heavy
rain posing new threats to already damaged buildings.

Adding to the danger are numerous after shocks with authorities advising
that these will continue for many days or weeks.

The quake is New Zealand's most damaging since the one which hit Napier
Bay) in February 1931, that saw radio amateurs extensively provide emergency
communications. That led to the formation of the Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications, of what is today known as AREC.

Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman, IARU Region 3, Disaster Communications
 樓主| 發表於 7-3-2011 01:35:54 | 顯示全部樓層
The Christchurch earthquake story latest

Still playing a role after the earthquake that hit the Christchurch area
of New Zealand since Tuesday 22 February, swinging into action from day one.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (AREC) reports that until today?s
movement from a rescue to a recovery phase all engagement had been with rescue

AREC spokesman Stuart Smart ZL4FZ says, "At this stage we are still extensively
supporting the urban rescue operation. There are about 250 staff in the field and all of that communication is coming back through AREC."

AREC members are trained for such disasters and are a part of the normal
response under arrangements with New Zealand Civil Defence and Emergency

Its operations have been confined to VHF frequencies and avoided use of HF
channels identified for that purpose.

The Christchurch Mayor Bob Chapman announced the switch to the recovery phase
with death toll of 161 and 200 missing.

Some 67% of affected people have had water supplies restored, and even fewer
are reconnected to the sewer, while 27,000 are without power.

The Minister of Civil Defence declared a State of National Emergency which
has been extended until midnight 7 March.

- Jim Linton VK3PC, Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee
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