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發表於 10-10-2012 06:33:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


發表於 11-10-2012 23:26:59 | 顯示全部樓層
請問 "MO" 跟 "MQ" 有什麼分別?
 樓主| 發表於 14-10-2012 18:15:23 | 顯示全部樓層

Special Callsigns for UK Amateur Radio Stations during 2012

The Radio Society of Great Britain and Ofcom have reached agreement on the optional use of special callsigns for two significant events during 2012.
For the Queens Diamond Jubilee, all UK amateur stations will have the option of applying for a variation to their licence if they wish, to use a special prefix for a five week period. This will add or substitute the letter Q in the place of the Regional identifier in the callsign.
For the period of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, a similar facility will exist for a seven week period, using the letter O.
Both the above facilities will also be available to Amateur Club licences.
Furthermore, calls in the series GB2012aaa will be available for Special Event Stations relating to the Olympics and licences will be issued for four flagship stations using the prefix 2O12a where O is the letter O, and a is a single letter relating to the location of the station.
Further details of these arrangements are detailed below, and administrative details will be issued by Ofcom and the RSGB shortly.
In more detail:
The following facilities will be available to holders of the following licences:
Amateur Foundation Licence
Amateur Intermediate Licence
Amateur Full Licence
Amateur Full (Club) Licence
Amateur Full (Reciprocal) Licence
Amateur Full (Temporary Reciprocal) Licence
Special prefix to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee:
Period: 00.00 BST 5th May 2012 to 23.59 BST 10th June 2012
Authorisation: To conform to the requirements of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, each licensee must obtain a Notice of Variation .
This is an on-line process and applications are made via the Radio Society of Great Britain website at http://www.rsgb.org/news/articlelinks.php?id=0316
Callsign: the letter Q will be added to calls, or replace the regional identifier. For example (where aaa represents the final alpha block of the callsign):
M3aaa becomes MQ3aaa
G3aaa becomes GQ3aaa
GM3aaa becomes GQ3aaa
2E0aaa becomes 2Q0aaa
2M0aaa becomes 2Q0aaa   
GX3aaa becomes GQ3aaa
Special prefix to celebrate the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympic Games:
Period: 00.00 BST 21st July 2012 to 23.59 BST 9th September 2012
Authorisation: To conform to the requirements of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, each licensee must obtain a Notice of Variation.
This is an on-line process and applications are made via the Radio Society of Great Britain website at http://www.rsgb.org/news/articlelinks.php?id=0316
Callsign: the letter O will be added to calls, or replace the regional identifier. For example (where aaa represents the final alpha block of the callsign):
M3aaa becomes MO3aaa
G3aaa becomes GO3aaa
GM3aaa becomes GO3aaa
2E0aaa becomes 2O0aaa (Two Oscar Zero aaa)
2M0aaa becomes 2O0aaa (Two Oscar Zero aaa)
GX3aaa becomes GO3aaa
Refence: http://licensing.ofcom.org.uk/radiocommunication-licences/amateur-radio/special-callsigns/
 樓主| 發表於 14-10-2012 18:17:32 | 顯示全部樓層
去年因慶祝劍橋公爵大婚而推出"R" regional identifier

Such as M0VVR -> MR0VVR
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